“Mum Helps Me When the Internet Messes Up…” : Accessibility of eHealth Services for People with Intellectual Disability


Artikeln använde sig av fritextsvar från undersökningen Svenskarna med funktionsnedsättning och internet 2021. 154 personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning hade delat med sig av sina tankar om att använda internet, delaktighet i det digitala samhället och användning av eHälsotjänster. Det är mycket ovanligt att ha ett så stort kvalitativt material från denna grupp. Det gör att internationella forskare med inriktning på intellektuell funktionsnedsättning gärna är med och arbetar med analyser.

Artikeln presenterades i juni 2024 på konferensen UniversalAccess in Human-Computer Interaction: 18th International Conference, UAHCI 2024.


Many services have become digitized in society, including health services. Although there are many advantages to eHealth services, some segments of the population cannot reap those benefits.

Objectives: This study aimed to: 1- describe how people with intellectual disability use the internet in Sweden; and 2- understand the nature of the contextual and personal barriers these users face when trying to access eHealth services in particular.

Methods: Data from the nationwide survey “Swedes with Impairment and the Internet 2021” (SMFOI-21) were extracted for a subsample of 154 people with self-declared intellectual disability.

Results: Findings reveal that people with intellectual disability used the internet predominantly for entertainment purposes. Challenges arose in more complex online activities, like internet searches, logging into eHealth services, booking medical appointments, and financial transactions. Participants relied on support from family, guardians or staff to read, write, create and memorise passwords, understand content, or solve technical problems encountered. They expressed a desire to engage more independently in the digital society but faced barriers due to the cognitive requirements of using apps and the internet as designed by computer scientists, difficulties in navigating complex online processes, such as eHealth services, and a lack of accessible infrastructure. Conclusion: This research underscores the importance of improved accessibility, simplified interfaces, clearer instructions, and a supportive ecosystem to enhance their digital inclusion. It is a matter of people with intellectual disability being afforded equal rights to access health services.

Ladda ner artikeln “Mum Helps Me When the Internet Messes Up…”: Accessibility of eHealth Services for People with Intellectual Disability.

Från samma grupp av forskare, tillsammans med Stefan Johansson från CoDeAc kommer också artikeln Digital inclusion and participation of people with intellectual disabilities during COVID ‐19: A rapid review and international bricolage. I den jämförs situationen under pandemin i olika länder
